It's so horrifying looking back at how transgender people were portrayed in the past, but also we get to see the changes happening with those producers and the industry as a whole and believe that things can be better.
Miss Americana是一个很好的切入点但也限制了她的表达——整部纪录片大部分内容都是从“偶像”身份的Taylor进行内容叙述的美国高度发达的娱乐产业将她包装成了Miss Americana而她自己也在强调她自己“偶像”的身份(I‘m trained to do that... This is my work ethic...)而在Miss Americana这个叙事主体下她即使再怎样“掏心掏肺”都会显得不够真诚而她面对镜头所有的自述、自我剖析最后都变成了对她自己人设的强化而真正的她的想法在一层层面具与标签下已经变得越来越模糊LWYMMD里面死掉的并不是Old Taylor而是Real Taylor即使是ME都显得不够真诚(另外Reputation真的不够格拿格莱美)