polarized and ultraviolet cameras // each endangered Cuban painted snail has unique color pattern // crab spiders (eat bees) can change from white to yellow to match with flower color // deer see orange (tiger) and red as shades of green // stripes set up an optical illusion and protect zebra against biting flies // male lizards mimic female color to get food
如何接受自己如何接受社会是放纵自己对抗社会为什么一进去就想射还是屈从社会对抗自己是选择自我异化的放逐为什么一进去就想射还是接受被社会同化的背叛是Nicholas为什么一进去就想射还是Bobby如果我在一年前看这电影我会打一星;现在我把它放入我的私人影库无关乎电影本身只因为The nature of Nicholas is the nature of me and you